Associate Member Benefits

Membership Fees
Recognition as an employer partner dedicated to improving the value of healthcare benefits
Logo displayed on members directory and website
Custom web page for digital media ( 2-flyers, 1-video, 1-contact us)
Attend HBCH Forums at the Associate Member rate
Exhibit table at Summer and Winter Forum
Opportunity to sponsor a panel session at Summer or Winter forum if matched to agenda content
Opportunity to contribute educational resources in HBCH newsletter 2 times per year
Opportunity to request benchmarking of HBCH employers
Opportunity to present an educational webinar 1 time per year
Opportunity to serve on Board if position available
Opportunity to sponosor an employer roundtable discussion 1 time per year
Opportunity to distribute branded materials at event(s) sponsored
(4) Free
Associate For Profit
$2000 ea
Associate Non-Profit
$2000 ea
Associate For Profit - Small Business