chris skisak

Chris Skisak, PhD
Executive Director


Chris Skisak, PhD is the Executive Director of the Houston Business Coalition on Health. HBCH is a multi-stakeholder but employer-centric 501(c)(3) focused on improving the cost, quality, and consumer experience in healthcare delivery. He is an advocate for value-based healthcare delivery systems and writes and speaks nationally to advance. Dr. Skisak also serves on the Board of Governors of the National Alliance of Healthcare Purchasing Coalitions, and Board of Directors of the Texas Business Group on Health. He serves on the leadership councils for Houston Cities Changing Diabetes and Houston Health Equity Collaborative.

Prior to HBCH he was President and Founder of Corporate Health Management Solutions, an organizational health and productivity management company. He had previously worked 25 years with Houston Fortune 50 energy companies in a variety of population health management positions. He is originally from Chicago. He received his M.S. and PhD from the University of Texas School of Public Health and published more than 20 peer-reviewed in scientific journals.