In The NewsHospital Price Gaps Show Just How Broken the US Health-Care Market Is
By John Tozzi, Jennah Haque and Madeline Campbell | December 23, 2023
When a baby is about to arrive, every minute counts. Yet when Jen Villa of Salinas, California, was in labor, she and her partner drove 45 minutes in the middle of the night, bypassing nearby hospitals..
These Employers Took On Healthcare Costs, and the Fight Got Nasty
By Anna Wilde Mathews | September 28, 2023
A bruising battle over hospital costs in Indiana previews a growing trend: Employers are sick of the ever-rising price of healthcare, and they are ready to do something about it……
HBCH recognized for member leadership by National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions
November 14, 2023
The National Alliance of Healthcare Purchaser Coalitions (National Alliance) recognized the efforts of employers and member coalitions at its 2023 Annual Forum – Temperature Rising: Igniting ….
Texas health plans alert: Get ready for new law eliminating anti-steering and anti-tiering
By Alan Goforth | June 21, 2023
Brokers and benefits managers need to factor the new legislation, which takes effect immediately, into their next health plans, although anti-steering and anti-tiering….
Texas Health Insurance Set for Massive Steering and Tiering Shakeup
By Will Maddox | June 13, 2023
HB 711 overwhelmingly passed both chambers of the Texas legislature and would allow employers to tier hospitals within…
Walking, Not Running, Toward Healthcare Market Change
By Tammy Worth | April 2, 2023
Employer groups, including unions and coalitions, are taking some control of healthcare costs in local markets.
Large Louisiana companies band together, launch coalition to address health insurance costs
Newswires | December 23, 2022
Some of south Louisiana’s largest private companies, which together provide health-insurance coverage to some 38,000…
Texas Employers’ Mission to End Anti-Competitive Healthcare Practices
By Will Maddox | November 8, 2022
The Texas Employers for Affordable Healthcare Coalition want to make in impact through legislative advocacy and uniting for negotiation power.
Texas groups hope legislators can help slow rising health costs
By Alexis Kayser | November 8, 2022
Several nonprofit groups representing Texas healthcare employers have formed a coalition — Texas Employers for Affordable Healthcare….
Texas Health hospitals charge over three times Medicare rates — and want a big increase
By Mitch Schnurman | September 30, 2022
Dallas-Fort Worth’s market-share leader, threatening to end Blue Cross contract Oct. 4, is also the state’s pricing leader.